Thursday, September 8, 2011

Admitting You Have a Problem, is Step ONE

Something on Pintrest that said there is always "that" time of day where you realize you aren't going to be productive at all anymore. Like a little switch clicks in your head that says, "I wonder if YouTube uploaded the most recent episodes of 'Toddlers and Tiaras'?" Or, maybe thats just me...but, today I have decided to be extremely productive and write this article. Go Me!

Even on my "less-productive" days, I find myself acting like a hard-working bride. I cruise through articles on unique weddings, wedding disaters, ways to avoid inviting awkward Aunt Ethyl, the perfect wedding dress, new trends and fashion, etc etc. Then it dawned on me. I am totally an addict to Wedding Porn. Anything and everything wedding(and events), I am interested in and want to know more about. I spend hours oggling the new Vera collection and putting together color pallettes. I could spend days searching for venues and catering, drooling as I see the newest chefs creations. Seriously, its an addiction. Luckily for me, it is also a job :)

Admitting my addiction has made me realize how to get more brides interested in Wonderland Events. Brides aren't spending there time looking for the perfect wedding planner, and if they are then YAY good news for me! However, I know where my time is spent with I go into "bride-mode" and its on blogs, in magazines, and on Facebook. So, thats where my time for my business will be spent. Over 1,503,000 women are engaged on Facebook and on average those girls spend 55 mins on Facebook a day. 90 mins are spent on blogs and an additional 2 hours are spent elsewhere for the Bride-to-Be. 

With that being said, it looks like it is time to put my money where my mouth is and keep this blog as updated as possbile. Add new work everyday and devote all of my wedding porn time into a site where Brides will stumble upon it and fall in love. Looks like the next logical step for WE is a legit www. .com website. Let's just hope my "wedding porn" site doesn't get blocked by the firewalls for being "Adult Content." :)

What would YOU want to see on a Wedding/ Party site? Feedback people... thats how I am gonna improve! ;)

Get ready for the .com,



  1. Brides always struggle with center pieces....put a bunch of those ideas up!

  2. Working on that now for you missy!
    Thanks for the feedback!
